About Privacy Week
National Privacy Week (NPW) is the flagship of our awareness and capacity building initiatives designed to advance data privacy rights and also foster trust and confidence in Nigeria’s emerging digital economy. It is inspired by the global Data Privacy Day which is celebrated annually on the 28th of January.
To mark the National Privacy Week, a number of events are being hosted directly by the Commission (such as workshops, a hackathon, and a press conference). Hundreds of independent events are being hosted by various organizations – particularly by Data Protection Compliance Organizations (DPCOs) licensed by the Commission.
It is estimated that more than 100 events involving over 500 organizations and 300,000 people from schools, hospitals and communities in Nigeria will be hosted on various platforms. At least 30% of Nigeria’s over 220 million population are expected to know more about the rights, duties and opportunities of data privacy and protection.
Call to Action:
(1) Get involved by learning and asking others to learn more about data privacy and protection in order to better understand your rights, responsibilities and remediation actions, as to prevent Data Privacy violations and abuses such as:
- Data theft and sharing to cause harm, losses and embarrassment to innocent people
- Data Privacy breaches, and abuse by organizations, including Loan sharks
- Unauthorized access to data, data misuse and improper processing
- Identity theft
- Cyber bullying
- Blackmailing
(2) Organizations can also learn the lawful ways through which data may be used to create wealth and generate employment, in compliance with the law and global best practice.
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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)
What is Privacy Week in Nigeria?
Privacy Week is an annual initiative organized by the Nigeria Data Protection Commission (NDPC) to raise awareness about data privacy rights, educate individuals and organizations about best practices, and highlight the importance of safeguarding personal data.
When is Privacy Week taking place?
Privacy Week in Nigeria is scheduled to run from January 28th to February 4th, 2024.
Who can participate in Privacy Week events?
Privacy Week events are open to everyone – individuals, businesses, government bodies, NGOs, and any entities interested in understanding and promoting data privacy.
How can I get involved or participate in Privacy Week?
You can participate by attending events organized during Privacy Week, joining webinars or workshops, engaging in discussions on social media using designated hashtags, or organizing your own activities to promote data privacy awareness.